Happy … Wednesday???

What day even is this?

Hello, Saturday Matinee friends! Just a quick midweek pop-in to say hello and welcome the many new subscribers who’ve joined in the past couple of days. The response to this little project of mine has been very exciting, and I’m so thankful to you for sharing some of your time with me.

I’m also writing to make sure that you are indeed receiving my emails. I learned recently from a dear mom friend of mine that she’d only seen one of the editions I’ve sent out so far. So if you are getting these, could you please let me know by sending me a quick reply? And to ensure you keep seeing my newsletters, might I suggest that you move this to your primary inbox or mark it “not spam” if it’s going to spam? I’m still learning how all this stuff works, and I want to make sure we’re communicating with each other.

As incentive, here’s a picture of Baxter, hanging out with the neighborhood peafowl on his afternoon walk. Hope your day has been just as pleasant, and thanks again for being a part of things around here. More goodies coming your way this Saturday!